I am a creative spirit. I think I can say that fairly, and I think it is one of the descriptives that those who know me well might use. I love to create, and I love to do so in a creative way. I know that sounds redundant, but I will explain. I look at things differently. I see an object, and instead of seeing it the way it is, I see it for what it might be...It may be o.k. as is, but could it be better if I tweak it, add to it, alter it?? Is there another use for it that is not so obvious? How can I "lift it up" to a better place?
This doesn't mean that I spend hours crafting, or creating. Nope. In fact, I basically just spend a good chunk of time thinking of ideas...some of which I actually carry out. While it is fun to recreate a craft or project from a magazine or other source (and I do do that at times), I actually get more enjoyment coming up with my own ideas to work on. I also love the challenge of making something I have seen in a shop, but either can't afford, or know I can create for far cheaper. Like my glittered Christmas house...now that was fun! Or my long sought after sihouettes. I couldn't find any real ones, so I made my own.
Seeing so many great craft spaces/work rooms/creative corners on others' blogs, got me thinking: I should have such a space, but where?? My home is fairly small and I don't have a readily available room where I can set up shop and deem it my studio. I really wish I did. Up until now, I have always crafted at my kitchen table. I love being in the hub of my home, doing what I enjoy, and still feeling part of the crowd. Except, feeling like part of the crowd is just downright annoying sometimes. Constant interruptions by kids wanting snacks, husbands who can't find things and more, often stifled the "creative process". So lo and behold, after much searching for a suitable spot, I found one. It is the area adjacent to my computer area/work space. I took a sideboard my hubby made me that was being under-appreciated in the family room, and made it my scrapbooking/wrapping station/creative corner. I hung a long shelf hubby also made, using plant hanger brackets that I spray painted cream. I threaded a curtain rod with glass finials, that I got from the Christmas Tree Shop for $3.99, through the brackets and used it to hold my ribbon spools. I found a stamp holder at a great thrift shop and used it to corral my paints. I am working on organizing my magazines and thus have been snapping up as many of those magazine holders that I can find. It's not a beautiful studio, but it works for me...at least I think it does. You see, I haven't actually used it yet. I have not gotten back into scrapbooking yet, and I have been too busy with work projects to settle myself in and start any real craft projects. I basically have just been playing with glitter and spray paint, and guess where I have been doing my experimenting? Basically just outside on my still gravel rock walkway (which is now a horrible mess of blue, white, and black spray paint) and, you guessed it, my kitchen table!! Old habits can be so hard to break...!!!