interior exsterior design, idea & concepts, home inspiration, architect, home decor, home furniture, home office, home design, bedroom design, living room, garden decorating, kitchen room, furniture, ideas design,architecture,unique and comfortable look occupied.
Come What May...part 2
I'm Baaack!! I'm also tired, stiff from driving, overwhelmed (at the thought of unpacking), tired of answering my children's questions, ready for the excesses of the season to subside, shopped out, intimidated by all the decorations I have to put away, but that's just the negative. I'm also thankful for family, friends and getting home safely; excited about an upcoming trip, happy to be home and near the fire...watching the return of the snow that we had all but lost... rejuvenated by the "girl's day" I had on the 27th (and for all the Seasons of Cannon Falls decorations I got for 50% off!!), and looking forward to spending tomorrow catching up with friends, newspapers, my favourite blogs, reading one of the books I had put on hold until quieter times, and making a home-cooked meal while MORE snow comes down. Life is good, not perfect...just like us all, and I am ready for what the new year will bring to our lives. I am ready to take on challenges and continue to nurture relationships that mean the most to me, and release that which brings me stress and holds me back. Basically, I am thankful for all that this year was and anticipating what next year will be...