Art pavilion from company Carmody Groarke

Are absent
English architects of company Carmody Groarke have finished pavilion building in London.

Eight-metre light-emitting diode columns

The pavilion represents eight-metre columns with light-emitting diode lamps, with a steel three-metre plate on a top (!). The density of placing of columns is non-uniform, and in the centre they and at all are absent, opening the review on the sky.

Pavilion building

Pavilion building in London

Pavilion in London

Pavilion building in London

The idea of a construction was born in 2007 during carrying out of the competition organised by Fund of architecture in English capital. All design of pavilion is addition to the general design of a building to which a construction was an extension, and impracticality of construction gives to the project special utopianism.
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