I was chatting with my sister yesterday, and we were discussing my "dreaded project", my kitchen table. I was telling her I had painted, no, primed one chair. I spray painted it with Bin spray primer and it transformed the chair! I just needed to sand it a little, spray paint it a colour and finito! That was 10 days ago... it is still sitting in my garage, primed but otherwise untouched.
I am a one day makeover kind of a gal. I like to take on personal home projects that can be completed in a day. That is why I have procrastinated with my table and chairs for the last five years! I know they are a week long project, and that is if the weather cooperates. Which it hasn't...! I am working on a kitchen reno project with a client and she is getting very discouraged with the pace of all the trades people. I totally get it!! I wish I could wave a magic wand and POOF, it would be completed and she could begin using her beautiful new kitchen. I hate to wait. That is why in my own home, I restrict the number of big jobs taken on. Of course, I guess you could consider building a house a big job!!
We are making progress with our lanscaping. The pool deck is now ~65% complete. We still have some more closing in to do, an angle has to be removed from the original deck so you can get around the pool without taking your head off, and the lattice work has to be installed. I am loving it though. It is like our own little private sanctuary and I can't wait to sit, no , lounge by the pool, sipping Diet Coke, hearing the happy noises coming from my kids and... oops, I am daydreaming again. It will definitely be great, but I had better throw in some whining and fighting and the always popular, "I know I just got in the pool and I know I'm soaking, dripping wet, but I just have to go pee!!" I have to be realistic and all!
Last night we actually completed a project that took just one evening!! What a feeling of satisfaction. We needed skirting of sorts around our front porch and since I love stone but can't afford the real thing and the exhorbitant labour costs that go along with it, I found a great vinyl product that looks like stacked stone. I'm sure all you purists out there are rolling your eyes, but if I do say so myself, it looks really good. I like it so much better than lattice and Paul did a great job installing it in just a few hours. He's such a good hubby, he seems to be able to wrap his head around any project and I am a lucky girl. Of course he's lucky, too!!! LOL Here are the before and after shots.
I am so inspired that today, I am heading out to get some flowers and shrubs to plant in the bed in front of my "stone" and I will be happily planting later today. I wonder if Paul would notice if I skipped the peat moss, manure part of it and just did the fun stuff...I'd better not, considering I can probably count that operation as a one day kind of a project!! Happy gardening!