I love to see a great collection of mirrors on the wall. I'm not talking about those token mirrors put up strategically for the narcissists among us. No, the mirrors that are grouped together for the sparkly effect they bring to a room. Those are the best mirrors of all.
I have a proper number of mirrors in my home. The only problem is that I don't have any really good functional mirrors. You know, the kind that you are supposed to check on your way out the door to make sure your lipstick's not on your teeth, or your skirts not tucked into your underwear. That kind of mirror. I have pretty mirrors and they are basically decorative in nature. I bought them because I liked the look of them (as opposed to myself in them...). In fact two of my mirrors I should stay away from as they make me look a good 10 lbs thinner. Some might say that is a good thing, and it is when you're looking in it, but then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirrors at the mall and plunge into depression!! I need to either get an "honest" mirror, or stay out of the mall!! My ego can't take the shock and letdown!!
Here are a few of my mirrors and a few that I thought I'd share that are so pretty they'd even distract you from your own reflection. Have a look, and see if you like what you see!!! The bottom photo is of a mirror from Restoration Hardware that costs a pretty penny. I found the identical mirror (beautiful quality, heavy as lead, identical) at our local Superstore (Loblaws). It went down to a mere $50 and can you believe I didn't get one? Silly maybe, but no more wall space!!