I've spoken before on the importance of being happy with what you have and tweaking what needs fixing. Well, it can apply to all areas of your life. It's kind of like the Serenity Prayer, which when you think of it, can be good advice in all areas in our lives. Hubby and I always sit in the living room before bed, and rehash the day and basically reconnect. When the kids were all little, we'd talk about all the funny and cute things they had done, and somehow, what seemed like the negative stuff (teething, whining, sibling rivalry), would be forgotten. Sort of a "putting on the blinders" time of day for us. We still do it today, but our stories are not limited to the antics of small children. We talk about the importance of appreciating what we have in our lives TODAY and the importance of not coveting what we perceive others to have going for them. WE know that a lot of our happiness comes from both us and outside sources. We needn't pine for bigger and better, because along with that comes obstacles. Our eldest son recently asked me if I wished we were rich. I explained to him that we are all rich in different ways and in relative terms, depending on how you look at things. I told him that if he meant it in the financial sense, then no. Everyone, of course, wants to have a life where money does not cause stress in their lives and we, as a family, have worked very hard to avoid that as best as possible. But as for being rich, well no. I don't want to hang out with people who are obsessed with money and don't value just how hard it is for some people to come by it. I don't like pretention or obsess about fancy food, wine, or people. I can't stand name droppers and I think keeping up with the Joneses is for those with too much time on their hands. I believe you should do for your family what you want to do , not what you think you should do. As a child growing up in a family with six children, we had our share of financial struggles. But I feel they have made me stronger and more intent on working for what I need or want. I think society and especially the children we are raising are in danger of losing sight of that. There is an immediacy that scares me in our society. Nobody wants to wait until they can pay for things with cash. There is a sense of entitlement that I think we are passing on to our children that will do them absolutely no good.
As much as my blog focuses on decorating as a passion and a hobby and a career, I hope I still have my head on straight and realize that, to many, the struggle is just keeping a roof over their heads. Ultimately, it's as plain and simple as that. Family, health, security...keep them in your radar in the way that they should be .
...And that's my soapbox for the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!