The man of my dreams...

Well, although I'm happily married to a great guy, I think there's a man more compatible with me. I know his name and where he works, but I don't think there's a way to wrangle a meeting. This is probably a good thing as we are both married and it would require one of us to move, or enter into a long-distance relationship...

Now, before you start thinking I'm a woman of loose morals or a homewrecker, I'll bring you up to speed. My perfect man, at least from a decorative standpoint, is Matthew Mead. For those of you who are saying, "Who??", Matthew Mead is basically an icon over at Country Home magazine and is a creative genius with a love of all things vintage and dog-eared. He frequents flea-markets, tag sales and thrift shops on his weekends; and obsesses over seasonal decor ideas in a way I can totally relate to. He is basically a male Martha Stewart, albeit he probably has a little more balance in his life than poor, workaholic Martha. He is a powerhouse of creative ideas and his style features appear in magazines like Country Home and Pottery Barn, among others. He just looks friendly and approachable and I can only imagine how much fun he is to be married to. In fact, I bet he is the only husband who probably had a hand in truly designing the pew markers and centerpieces at his own wedding!!
My husband does not brake for yard fact he speeds up!! He doesn't see the beauty in time-worn objects. He thinks they smell and are ripe for taking to the dump!! He has thrown out more than a few of my treasures in the name of "decluttering" and clearing out "junk". It has been a sore spot in our marriage, indeed. In fact, during one of our many moves, the lid of an old ice box I painstakingly painted (okay, I spray-painted it) mysteriously fell off the back of his truck when he was moving it to our new place. Even more conveniently, he accidentally ran over it; and lo and behold, that was the end of my plans for the icebox. Do you think Matthew would do that to his wife's treasures...? I think not. He'd probably wrap it in vintage, tattered quilts and carefully transport it in a vintage pick-up truck. Then, we'd stop in a field of daisies and have a picnic on a tartan blanket, sipping fresh-squeezed lemonade out of an old flask and munch on hot milk cake with mashed, fresh strawberries and cream. Then as we ambled back down the road, talking about the crafts we'd be doing for fall, we'd stop for each and every yard sale and pile more wares into the back of our truck. ~Sigh~ Sounds perfect, doesn't it??
Check out more of Matthew at his website, Matthew Mead Style. He changes things up seasonally, has wonderful archives and downloads, and has a personal blog, too!!
Here are some of examples of Matthew's creative genius:

all images, Matthew Mead Style

By the way, check out Matthew's Country Home particular, this wonderful post that will appeal to your senses.
Just don't go getting any ideas about stealing him for yourself!!
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