Well, I think just about everybody in blogland knows Kim and her amazing site,
Today's Creative Blogs. She features a new blog nearly every day, and she does so to share with us, less ambitious folks, the beautiful sites out there that might otherwise not be discovered without luck or links. To be featured on her site is not only an honour, but seals your fate of having many people rush over to your blog, thus enabling you to meet many more creative, lovely people. Kim does this of her own free will, out of kindness and in the spirit of sharing... and despite having one of the busiest schedules of anyone I've encountered. I can picture her staying up late, perusing the many beautiful blogs in her radar, just so we can be treated to more wonderful blogs to enjoy and be inspired by. Then, she gets up ridiculously early to teach multiple fitness classes and hustle her (adorable) little boy off to school. She still seems to make the time for her friends, hubby, scrapbooking, decorating, and playing Bunco (what
is that, Kim??). Anyway, in the spirit of Today's Creative Blog, here (as featured on her personal blog:
Scrap-to-my-lu) is Kim's beautiful home, which
never seems to be messy, despite
her claim to the contrary. Look at her "scrappin" room. Wouldn't you love to have those racks?
Sooo organized and again, so tidy!!
Don't you love the
simplicity of this seasonal adornment on her beautiful red door...which she's pretty proud of, I might add...?!
So, since my blog focuses on all things decorative, who better to showcase than Kim. I think I'm safe in saying from all of your
thanks Kim, for doing what you do, and being so darn funny all the time...I appreciate your writing style, and for taking the time to introduce us to all the creative souls out there, that we might never discover without your help!!
This is one of my favourite pictures of Kim: those shoes and the sassy positioning of her feet embodies her spirit and personality in one great shot!!