Well, it's been a busy couple of days, but at the same time my mind seems to be lacking in creativity...I am usually a very focused person, but lately I can't seem to get myself to do what I say I'm going to do. My self-imposed deadline for getting my Christmas shopping is looming, and yet I still have quite a few gifts to purchase...My house, while decorated on the outside, had not a lick of festive cheer decking its halls until yesterday...and our annual Christmas card which I should be getting done since I tend to get lost on the way to the mailbox...nope, haven't done that either!
On Tuesday, I arrived at a friend's house to go on one of our regular walks, and instead honked the horn, rolled down my window, and said, "Wanna go Christmas shopping instead?" You see, I decided to spring into action and get started on the remainder of my list. Being a fellow exercise lover, my friend jumped in that truck before I could come to a proper stop!! Off we went in hubby's nuclear sized truck pointed towards Walmart. Now don't worry, we weren't shopping for New Year's Eve dresses...we were TOY shopping!! With reckless abandon, I started firing things in my cart, all in the quest to place a checkmark beside gifts written below my kid's names in "The Book"...Well, I ended up finding a gift for each child and one for a child whose name we took off the Salvation Army tree at the mall. I love doing that every year. We take three names...one for each age of my children, and they enjoy helping me buy the gift and return it to the tree. It is a nice tradition that helps to teach them that not everyone is as fortunate as they are.
Yesterday, I decided, was as good a day as any to haul up all the decorations and get to work. Scary to say, but it actually took me the entire school day and I didn't get dressed until 3 p.m.!! I literally got up, got the kids off to school, and went to work!! While it looks pretty, I don't think it looks as nice as last year, so I will have to play around a bit with everything. I am also having a bit of a "crisis" as I don't think it feels as "Christmasy" as it should. After going on those house tours last weekend, it made me pine for more traditional colours so that I could decorate in more reds and greens. Even greenery garlands don't look that great in my home. Funny thing is, I don't remember feeling this way last year...I'm not sure how to solve this problem, but my home just doesn't feel that Christmasy to me...Maybe it's just the blah-ness I'm experiencing, but I have to get those creative juices flowing!!
Hubby assured me everything looks great, but in the next breath said "It's no wonder you feel that way...we need some reds and greens and blues, and some colored lights!!" Oh boy...he just doesn't get it...I felt like reminding him that he should be living in a Sears catalogue house with an equally messy wife who doesn't care what colour the throw pillows are...instead I asked him to get me a glass of wine so I could watch America's Next Top Model and yell (drunkenly?) at all the models!!! Happy Festivus!!