Why is it that all good things must come to an end? Case in point: the retirement of Country Home editor-in-chief Carol Sheehan. Indeed, each month when I eagerly open the latest issue of Country Home magazine, where do I head? Not to the table of contents, not to the cover story, nor the letters to the editor...nope, I flip directly to Carol Sheehans "editor's note". Each month, I have enjoyed reading her musings about living on her beautiful New England farm with her amiable husband and menagerie of pets. Carol can spin a tale like no other, and I often find myself instantly captivated by the stories she shares and drawn in by her refreshing writing style. While I don't know anything about Carol other than that which she has shared with her readers over the last ten years, I cannot imagine her to be anything other than down-to earth, humble and self-deprecating...all lovely attributes in anyone, let alone the editor of Country Home magazine. Carol allows her readers to actually know her, inviting us into her fold, and demystifying her position as editor of such a prominent publication. She is modest to a fault, and we truly can picture her at a town meeting, buying fresh produce from the local farmers... all the while giving nary a hint of her dayjob!
My favourite stories she has shared have often centered around the holidays, and the simplicity with which she celebrates them. Simple suppers, harried drives through snowstorms to get to friends' celebrations, and corn boils as opposed to wine and cheese gatherings. Her warm-heartedness extends through her writing and makes us feel like she'd stop and chat like an old friend if we truly did encounter her on the thrifting trail. If you have never taken the time to really read her editorials, haul out those back issues and enjoy. There really is more to a magazine than the sum of its parts. Take a look at the people who tell us the stories and share the essence of true country living...and watch for Carol Sheehan at those country auctions. Don't forget to say "Hi" for me, and tell her I said thanks for the memories. While I look forward to seeing what changes the new editor will bring, I hope she's up to the task: she certainly has some impressive shoes to fill!!!