Sophie's room revisited...

I wish someone had told me that little girls come with so many accessories. If I had known the full story, I would have given her the master bedroom!!! Honestly, our little girl is a collector of anything and everything. A magpie of sorts, she likes all things shiny, sparkly, and glittery, and scoops them up to feather her little nest. She has more treasures than drawers to put them in, and things finally came to a disorganized head following Christmas.

This treasure was hand-picked by me at Pottery Barn Kids...had to have it!!!

While Sophie has the largest bedroom of our children, it still is not large by any measure, especially since it has to double as her playroom. However, it should be plenty big to house one little girl and her toys...the problem is, Sophie is drawn to so much. She is a true girl through and through (as am I) and she loves baby dolls, Barbies, Polly pockets, Littlest Pet Shop, Strawberry name it!! Every doll is like her child and she has attached a sentimental value to each one: there is "sleeping baby", Baby Alive, Amazing Amanda, Canadian Girls (our version of American Girls), "Fat baby" (don't ask...), and even tiny babies that she remembers tucking into her car seat as a little toddler.

I made it my New Year's mission to get things under control in her bedroom, and do so in a pretty way. I am tired of buying storage containers that simply add to the visual clutter in her room, despite containing all the little "pieces of her life". Sticking to my guns, we purged what she could bear to part with (and donated it all) and I decided on the perfect (affordable) storage solution: (from Ikea)

...except I got it in white...with pink and white bins:

Here is a close-up: Sophie and I made labels using pretty scrapbook punch-outs and now she knows where everything should go...we'll see how that goes...

The proof is in the pudding:

Sophie (age 2 and 1/2)on her potty...expecting showers, no less..with some of her "treasures" scattered around her and Sophie (age two) "nursing" her baby (stuffed animal in this case).

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