Giving up the ghost...

Well, I just got back from the most wonderful evening. We were at my brother and sister-in-law's new home celebrating my Dad's birthday and throwing our hosts a casual housewarming party. They moved back home after living in western Canada for a long time and we are so happy they are back amongst us under the same sky!!
Their new home is on a beautiful lake and they have, in my opinion, one of the most idyllic settings I've seen in a long time. The view from each window is incredible and the home itself takes advantage of it at every chance. My sister-in-law had done a wonderful job making the house their own and has had lots of fun picking out all new beautiful furniture as they sold all theirs before venturing across the country. I tell you, I think that's a GREAT idea...if I ever move far away, I'll be sure to do it (hubby would roll his eyes if he were to read this!!). My brother has had fun tinkering with the HUGE yard. He built a raft for the kids to swim to, and bought some kayaks, and fun water stuff. I tell you, it's heavenly there...

Well, while I was there, I saw my nephew's room and he had the most gorgeous duvet cover on his bed. Combined with the fantastic view and headboard, the room made me wish I could do a room make-over on my boy's rooms. But, I have "given up the ghost"...they don't want my decorating advice at all. ~Sigh~ One likes to have posters of his favourite music artists, and the other is into sports cars... I'm sure there is a way to make those interests seem attractive, but I'm not up to the task. They just don't care about that sort of thing. Someday they might perhaps, but either way I'm done. And I'm certainly not looking ahead to when they have moved out, because then, I'll be lonesome and crying in my teacup wishing they were still hanging out in their is. Not everything in life has to be decorated - especially older kids rooms. I say, let them be. It's like everything else: if they want us, they'll let us know!!

The top photos are of my youngest son's room. Notice the small picture and Woody hanging out on a chair. My son hasn't complained about that yet, so I'm holding my breath...I LOVE Woody!!

The bottom pic is my eldest son's room. He is the tidy one, so I never have to nag him. ( I gave a good tidying to his brother's room before going near it with the camera!!)
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