I'm pretty new to blogging. I started it on my sister's prompting to have a place for those seeking my home styling services to come and check out my style. I am still learning about all the nuances and rules/etiquette of blogging, so forgive me if I make slip-ups now and again.
Heather at Splaneyo "tagged" me and since she is such a loyal and nice visitor to my blog, I have decided to play along. I will likely put you to sleep on this one, as I don't know if my eccentricities are very interesting, but here goes...
1. I am very particular about my popcorn. It has to be popped on the stove with just the right amount of oil and salt (no butter) and I always eat it from my enamel POPCORN bowl. I love that bowl so much that I gave one to my sister, Wendy as she shares the same popcorn snobbery!! Oh...and I don't share my popcorn...with anyone. I'll share anything else, just don't ask for some of my popcorn. This stems from my brother John always plunging his hand into my bowl as a kid. It drove me to making him his own bowl whenever I made myself some. I guess that made me his servant...
2. I am a huge Madonna fan! That woman can do no wrong in my book. Even when she was going through her highly "promiscuous side" and making a coffee table book that I wouldn't put on any coffee table...I still loved her. She is a bit eccentric, no doubt, but aren't all musicians? (well, maybe not Pat Boone or Anne Murray... but I don't listen to them anyway) No one can get me up on the dance floor like her...and I only go dancing once a year!!
3. I am an over the top Seasonal decorator! I love the changing seasons and all the holidays that go along with them. I have boxes and boxes of seasonal decor. I can't stop myself. I enjoy most holidays immensely...except Valentine's Day. I am not a big fan of hearts, and red doesn't look good in my house!
4. I'll never understand people who don't like kids. I mean, I'm not saying everyone has to love children, but to really not like them...that's weird. We've all had experiences with bratty kids perhaps tramping through our yard or whining in restaurants (heck, most of us have had our kids do it!!), but to out and out be disrespectful to them, well, that's just mean. I have someone living in my vicinity (I'm trying to be vague here) who hates kids. She has not a maternal bone in her body; well, unless you're a dog. I'd be willing to bet she'd knock a toddler over to get at a dog. Wierd!! I love my pets, but I will always show a human child more attention!! The thing that stumps me is...what did those people do when they were children? Perhaps they weren't...maybe they're aliens. Just a theory...
5. I have an eccentricity about people using my pillow. If someone else beside my kids were to sleep on my pillow...uugh!! I know that's wierd, but there is just something yucky about it. Kind of like sharing a face cloth...
6. I am extremely phobic about the stomach flu. If you want me to clear out of your house, just mention that so and so was up all night throwing up. Voom!! I'm outta there!! I never eat after my kids for fear they are brewing a good stomach virus. Pathetically, I sometimes still cry when I throw up. I'm that scared!! Oh and I get irritated when parents send their kids to school saying, "He/she was up all night vomiting, but (s)he's fine now." Yeah...right...!!!
7. When I'm heading out the door, I am usually stressed and on the verge of being late. The reason? I cannot leave my house in a mess. I'm not talking full on mess, but even a little bit. Everything has to be just so. I hate to return to an untidy home. It takes the fun out of the outing. It's even worse if I'm going away on a trip. Then I go on a cleaning binge. I guess I'm figuring that if I'm in a major car accident, I don't want anyone coming in and thinking, "Boy, she sure was messy!!"
8. I am not good at small talk. I instantly get shy in a social setting. So, if you sit down by me, you will probably be left with the impression that I'm very dull. However, I can express my feelings in writing without difficulty. I always send the perfect greeting card with a heartfelt message. I pick my cards with great attention. I love to send a card that matches the recipient's personality, and I really appreciate getting a thoughtfully selected card. I warn my family to not send me Dollar Store cards. I won't tell you not to, that would just be rude!!
I also have a great time in the greeting card department. If you hear someone giggling while you're picking out your cards, it's probably me. I could spend hours amongst the funny cards...
So that's me in all my glory. I hope I never have to put us through that again. I don't think I'll tag anyone as I think you are all veterans of it, and I wouldn't dare tag my sister, as she hates that sort of thing!! Chris K. might play along though. Are you up for it, Chris??
Have a great day everybody!!