Keeping Time...

I love clocks. Just a couple of days ago, I almost bought another one. It was a cream iron one in the shape of a bird on a nest, with little rust spots on the iron. Very shabby, but beautiful. I put it back however, but I'm still thinking about it...a bad sign! I have enough clocks to let me know if I'm running late, but my favourite is one my husband made for me. I painted it a beautiful old black, not too shiny, and antiqued it a bit by sanding the edges. It has enjoyed pride of place in each of my homes, and this time it is in my mudroom.
I thought I'd show you a few from other sources, that are just too beautiful for words. I also wanted to show you my other favourite, "Big Ben", which is my kitchen clock and it is a great clock with big letters and a vintage feel. I hope you like the sampling I have chosen.

photo: Pottery Barn

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