My top ten projects of 2007...

Following Manuela's lead, I have decided to do a retrospective of sorts of the home projects I feel most happy with. I am certainly not as creative as some, but I could definitely find ten that made me feel rather accomplished. Hopefully, by listing them for myself, it will inspire me to begin the other projects on my wish list.

#1 is probably the painting of my dining table and chairs. I would still give my (left) arm for my dream table and some great chairs, but it is sooo much better and will tide me over until I can get The Man (hubby) to agree to get a new one. Of course, as he tells it, apparently I'd have to agree to build again in order to get one...
#2 is my pool area...the faux iron fencing I thought of as a low cost deterrant to my youngest son (age eleven) trying to scale the fence...would you believe he attempted it anyway? And succeeded to get in...and still remains anatomically correct. He got into scads of trouble, though... #3 is the rustic bar I spent hours convincing hubby would work out great...and it did...
#4 is the fun patio umbrella stand I created. It never failed to make me happy...
#5 is the faux stacked stone skirting we installed around the base of our front porch. It looks great, and from the road (in my opinion) it looks like the real thing! It wasn't cheap either, but so much easier to do!

#6 is my bedroom. After years of never feeling happy with how it looks, I now have a place that feels like it is grown-up and suitable for both me and my husband. I am still thrilled with it!!#7 is my creative corner...carved out of our family room. Not ideal, but mine just the same. The pathetic thing is, I have yet to use it!! I am embarrassed to admit that, but it sits there all ready to go...just waiting for me to forgo my dining table as a work station...#8 is that crazy, blue, glittered pumpkin I made at Halloween. My living room just wasn't graciously accepting an orange one, so a little spray paint, glitter, and a crow, and I had myself a pumpkin to be proud of!

#9 would have to be my ottoman. Even hubby agrees he doesn't know what he did without it. Hmmm, let's see, he would lay his feet on me and plop his newspaper in a heap on the floor...

# 10 is a three way tie (I'm cheating here...). I equally love my wisp of curtains that my favourite seamstress made for me (they hang so delicately off the glass knobs), my glittered shadow boxes, and my stack of snowballs in each of my urns.

I guess I accomplished more around my home than I thought! Now, on to bigger and better projects!! Which projects are you most proud of...?

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