Well, it's over, and like many endings, the passing of the holidays can be tinged with a touch of sadness... BUT, if your sadness comes from the starkness of your home after stripping it of its holiday splendour, cheer up. Your home doesn't have to look naked, just because we are in-between holidays! Winter need not be as cold on the inside as it is outdoors! In fact, winter brings with it its own bag of decorating goodness.
Indeed, many of us enjoy the simplicity of our homes after we take down our decorations. Our homes feel clean again, but then, slowly...things begin to feel void of fun, interest, and sparkle. A sort of January blues for the home, if you will. While I can't help you with the real winter doldrums, I can offer some ideas to perk up your home. Of course, if you prefer the au naturel look, read no further!
(top photo:: Wendy Addison Designs)
The natural way to decorate your home after the holidays is to bring the snow indoors! Stores are filled with gorgeous snowy decor: snowflakes, icicles, white feather trees, sparkly clear garlands, snowball ornaments...Don't feel you have to pack all this up, too, when you take down all your Christmas adornments! My chandelier in my dining area remains embellished with my icicle garland, snowballs and miniature chandelier. My front window now has a large mesh snowflake hanging subtly in it. I kept the little tree in my bathroom up, as it is unadorned, but gives me that twinkly look I was missing after my (many) trees came down (in fact, adding candles to some glass candlesticks brings some sparkle, too!). In the kitchen, the little frames that say Let It Snow remain on my open shelving and other wintry touches abound. (candle photo: Better homes andGardens.com)
I am probably in the minority, but I actually like winter! Of course I despise the truly frigid days and the icy sidewalks as much as the next person, but I also love coming inside from the cold, lighting my fireplace, putting on my "flannels" and watching the wind and snow swirl outside...knowing that we are warm and "tucked in" from the elements. In fact, winter is probably when I love my home the most. My house stays cleaner in the winter: no dusty little footprints marking up the carpet on my stairs, my cat's paws stay cleaner, and less dust blowing in from the new construction nearby! Yes, there are snowy boots, wet coats, and mittens...but I am fortunate enough to be able to contain them to my mudroom.
Decoratively speaking, winter is the time when projects around our house get tackled. For example, I am hoping to coax hubby into finally install the wainscotting in our home. I am so anxious to see it up and now is the perfect time to do it. Of course, he will likely disagree, but I've got to nab him before the many landscaping projects beckon him. Also, our daughter needs some organizational pieces designed for her room. Little girls come with so many accessories, that her room is starting to burst at the seams!! So, for me, winter is a time to nest...and enjoy my nest. You're in anyway, you might as well spend some of that time decorating!!