Next up is my little fairy door. I get my love of miniature anything from my mother, and had spied the beautiful fairy doors at Red Shoes. I hemmed and hahed about ordering one, but as they are in the U.S., with the shipping and duty, I was cooling my heels until I could be sure I wouldn't feel the guilt about purchasing something that really is not necessity (gulp, like most of my purchases...). I was about to bite the bullet when I wandered into a local florist shop and spied these little beauties hanging on one of her Christmas trees!! They were only $8 each, and even though they are not as authentic as the original (pictured left), the price is right and I can embellish them a bit for the seasons!! I attached a strip of velcro to the back and stuck it to my exterior trim. Now all the fairies can come in...and be eaten by my cats!! I tell myself I did it for Sophie, but well, I kind of like it, too!! The white one will soon be stripped of its Christmas wreath and given a more everyday sort of one. I probably don't dare ask hubby to make me some trim for it so it looks real (heh, heh, heh...), that would really put him over the deep end!! I really need to work on my "shop girl" skills. It's just that I'm so clumsy...and impatient!! Guess who sent me this GORGEOUS pillow?? The lovely Angela (from Cottage Magpie)! She is a kindred spirit and said she thought this pillow would be perfect for me...isn't that the NICEST gesture?? I hope the picture conveys the perfection of this pillow with its felted bird and the soft corduroy is the perfect pillow for my sofa and I love it!! Thanks Angela for being so generous of spirit...!
Well, show and tell is over, but I might have to do it again soon after an upcoming shopping trip!!
What's new in your world...?