First, I'm going to throw a question out there: Why, when I visit blogs that use Typepad, does it take soooo long to upload? It drives me crazy, and then when I go and post a comment (which is the polite thing to do), I get sent to the SECURITY CENTER and have to type in a (sometimes) very complicated (i.e. hard to decipher) code. I don't know about you, but I don't have a security code thingy and I have only gotten two spam comments since I started this blog nine months ago! Are these codes really neccesary? Because it slows me down and if it is combined with Typepad, it takes even longer to get out of there and on my way again. Can't we do away with these codes, because (and I'm being honest here), sometimes it deters me from leaving a comment...and we all know how much we appreciate a good comment!! Just asking...
I also just found a fun way to workout your sweat involved...check out this website: For every correct word (it is a test to determine your vocabulary level) you go up levels. I love stuff like this! I love words and think I have a fairly broad vocabulary. I scored a level 42, but I'm not sure how good that is. Anyway, for each correct word, they donate rice to a developing country, so you actually won't be wasting time on this internet activity! I also love to play Scrabble...but I can't seem to find a scrabble partner...Can't figure out that one. I mean, who doesn't enjoy a rousing good game of Scrabble??? Go figure...
Which brings me to my love of writing. I have always loved to write, but got away from it for..oh, I don't know...from the time I left university until I started this blog!!! I had forgotten how much I enjoy letting thoughts flow onto paper, and I love how my blog has become a journal of sorts for me. It helps jog my flagging memory, and I can then look back on what I was thinking and doing at a given time. I remember in university, I wrote a paper comparing Lady MacBeth to Cleopatra (I was one of those people who LOVED Shakepeare. I know- a rare species at that age) and I remember my prof at the time suggesting I submit it for publishing. It would have involved some tweaking, and as I was over-stressed by my nursing courses, I didn't take her up on the suggestion. To this day, I regret that decision because maybe I could have seen it through to the publishing stage. That would have been so writing...published!! Which reminds me that it is still a big dream of mine, but for now, I will enjoy writing for my blog and exercising at least some of the other areas of my brain that have been asleep for a wee while. Like with that word game...or playing, "What was I supposed to remember today?"
I also have some exciting news about my blog next week! The Matthew Mead (is it obvious that I think highly of this man?) contacted me about collaborating on some blog posts aimed at inspiring us into taking a fresh look at our homes in the new year. Basically, it will be a series of five posts intent on kickstarting us into loving our homes again by way of tweaking, adding to, rearranging, and rediscovering the houses we call home. He has some amazing ideas, and I'll be throwing in some myself...kind of a he said/she said approach!. So we'll consider ourselves lucky: we have one of the leading style editors (from Country Home magazine, no less) giving us hands-on tips to rejuvenate our homes...for free!!! No magazine purchases necessary! But, speaking of magazines, Matthew hopes to launch his very own magazine in the near future... You can just bet I'll be first in line for a subscription!!