Moth Design

I just discovered Moth Design as I was reading through one of my favorite blogs; Turquoise.

L.A. designer, Shannon Shapiro creates wonderful light fixtures and furnishings, inspired by nature. I love the subtle patina of the "Twiggy" table lamp (above), and the bright green lacquer finish of the "Twiggy" floor lamp (below).

A Seasonal Porch...and Happy Halloween!!!!

I love my front porch. I know it is not a big, fancy wrap-around one that has been rocked on for generations; but it is mine, and I have wanted one for as long as I can remember. When we first moved to our town, we built a home we were very happy with, but its one drawback was that we didn't have a porch. We realized that first summer that we are porch sitters. We spent every fine evening sitting on our front step, sipping tea, and watching the boys ride their bikes and scooters. We'd chat with whoever peeked their head out their door, and often they'd join us on our step, and we'd remark that if only we had a proper porch to host them in comfort! When Sophie came along, we'd put her in her exersaucer on the step and she'd shout out baby squeals as her brothers played road hockey and jumped faster when she saw a cat or dog in the distance. That step served us very well, considering...
When I finally got my first front porch (see photo above), the house wasn't even finished before I had hubby hanging a porch swing from the rafters. I remember sitting on it, covered in paint, chatting about how tired we were of the building process. People going by would do a bit of a double-take at us swinging there, as we didn't even have the siding finished! From that point on, I have been a grateful porch owner. I decorate my porch for the seasons, sweep it regularily, and enjoy sipping our tea while swinging on our swing. It is not quite finished... as the porch floor is not yet painted, I still want hubby to build some low planters resembling window boxes (with pretty moulding trim), and we want a trellis on the side to allow for privacy from the neighbouring home. I have big plans for the planters this Christmas, and I look forward to decking my porch all out for the holiday season. Speaking of holidays and sticking to the present, here is my front porch in its Halloween finery...and this my friends, is the end of my Halloween decorating posts!!

***Oh, I forgot to mention that the best thing about a front porch is the opportunity it provides for taking great annual photos of your kids! The picture below is the yearly photo my sister and I take of our kids on her summer trip down to my house. We have been taking this photo since my eldest son was two, and I love looking back on how they have all changed over the years. We have seen new girly additions by the name of Sophie and Ella, and the photo below is the first time Wendy's eldest son, Ben, was not in the picture (he decided to stay at home and relax with his Dad).

This photo is from last year's Christmas card photo shoot. It didn't make the cut for the actual card, but it did get framed and placed in my living room. Speaking of which, I had better get going on this year's shoot...but that's a whole other post! Let's just say, it's never a stress-free scene...!!!


Eames Molded Plywood Elephant

Attention Eames lovers!

For all Eames fanatics, who can't get enough of these mid-century pieces, check this out! This children's toy was never put into production before. LA Furniture Seen is producing a limited amount; also available in a natural color.

Something to crow about...

It is fair to say that I have a bit of an obsession with crows. Not necessarily the real kind, but the perfect faux variety lurking in shops at this wonderful time of year. I remember about five years ago, when I was on a desperate search for crows...after having seen them in Country Living (or Home...I buy both...), I had everyone on the hunt for me. My mum and sister scoured shops in my girlhood hometown, friends travelling to the U.S. were giving the assignment, and me...well of course I checked out every spot locally, to no avail. I was first able to get my hands on one a few years back in Walmart, and I was a very happy girl.

My collection has now grown to the point that I need no more. I have the perfect flock to adorn my house and add sinister charm, as only a crow can. Growing up, my mother always warned me that crows "pick the eyes out of little lambs" and therefore had no use for them at all. However, even she seems to now appreciate their presence as a Halloween decorating theme.

So, without further adieu, here is a peek at my proud crow collection...taking up temporary shelter in and around my home.


This weekend was the Houston chapter of the American Institute of Architects' home tour. I love attending these tours because you can see some of the most innovative homes in Houston.

The pictures above are: Top lft: Glassman Shoemake Maldonado Architects. Bottom Lft. : MC2 Architects. Top Rt.: MDGI Architects. Center RT.: Robertson Design. Bottom Rt. : Allen Bianchi Architects. Top Center: Harrison Kornberg Architects. Bottom Center: Intexture Architects. Links to these architects can be found at the AIA site.

I had the pleasure of assisting as a docent at the Allen Bianchi house. It consists of two units attached by a walkway on the second floor and on the first floor through the pool and garden area.

The main unit of the house has bedrooms on the first floor and the living areas on the second. The arrangement made for a tree house feel, with fantastic views of downtown and the surrounding neighborhood. I'd like to thank Allen Bianchi (pictured below) and the gracious homeowners for allowing me to photograph this lovely home.



A couple of weeks ago, my kids and I arrived home to see a rather enticing Halloween-themed bag hanging on our front door. Inside was a paper ghost marked BOO!!, some treats, and a clever little poem telling us why we received the bag, and how to spread the fun that it brought. My kids have no idea who brought it to them, and were very excited indeed! A few squabbles over who got what candy, and then they set out to return the favour to friends of their choice. The idea is to fill a bag with treats of some kind, photocopy the poem (which gives the instructions), make two BOO ghosts (one for each bag), and then secretly deliver the bags to people who have not already been BOO'ed. How do you know they haven't already been BOO'ed? Well, those that get BOO'ed must hang the paper ghost marked BOO on their front door, so that others will not re-BOO them. The kids had a great time doing it, and I sooo would have loved to have BOO'ed my sister's house, as she is so not into that sort of thing!! I would have gotten a good chuckle out of it, as she would have had to do niece would have insisted!!

If you want more detailed instructions, pop on over to Heather's'll be glad you did...she does a much better job explaining it than I do. But hurry, as you really only have one or two more days to do so!!!

Here is a similar poem you can use, and also a picture of the bag we put together to BOO our friends...

Since this is the time for goblins and bats
Halloween spirits and ghosts and cats
Happenings are weird and witches make brew
The following are the things I wish for you.
May the only spirit you chance to meet
Be thee spirit of love and friends that are sweet.
May the only goblin that comes your way
Be the neighborhood phantom, the breeze takes away.
So by tomorrow, pick a friend down the street
And give to them a Halloween treat.
Fill this cone with goodies galore,
Then hang it on their front door.
You only have one day to do this, so hurry
Leave treats on their door and run in a flurry
As this cone moves along from friend to friend,
All good wishes go on and never end

Carving out traditions...

On Saturday night, I threw a somewhat impromptu pumpkin carving party. I say somewhat impromptu because I was hemming and hah-ing as to whether I should continue what has become a tradition for my children each Halloween. As you know, I am a bit of a holiday nut, and Halloween is one of my favourites. I have thrown such a party for quite a few years now, and my kids have come to rather expect it. My hesitation stemmed to my fighting the feeling of "Can I be bothered?" and has it just become a habit... that now that the boys are getting older, is really worth the effort? Well, in a word, YES!! You see, I still have a happy-go-lucky little girl who has not experienced as many of these parties as her now somewhat disinterested brothers have. How fair is it to her to let their jaded-ness deprive her of some good, Halloween fun? Besides, making memories is always worth the effort!! How many times have we resisted entertaining, only to discover that once we are in the midst of it, we actually have a lot of fun ourselves??!! Well, Saturday night was just one of those nights as I hosted the friends I know to be easy, fun guests...ones who are always up for some of my cornball ideas, and who make me feel that hosting them is well worth the effort!!

So, herein lies the formula for hosting a pumpkin carving party of your own. Although some will definitely take a more creative and elaborate stroke to pulling one off, my formula is low-key, relatively easy, and won't drain your entertaining budget!! I have spoken before of my need to keep entertaining simple and fun. While I certainly have the capabilities to throw a dinner party where I provide each and every course, that is just not my thing at this stage of my life. My entertaining usually includes our own children, and those of our friends. We do not have family anywhere nearby, so to pawn our kids off on doting grandparents for a night is just not a reality for us. So therefore, I entertain in a way that is as stress-free as possible and in a way that even I can relax and have fun. So far, no complaints!!!

First off, for my carving party, I stocked up on enough pumpkins for my kids, hubby and me. I always get my guests to bring their own, and most importantly, I have them clean out their pumpkins beforehand to cut down on the mess in my house, and so that we can get to the fun part of carving our masterpieces right away! I am also a big invitation girl. I absolutely love stationery of all kinds, so a great invitation to any event I host is very important to me. In this case, I used the finger invitations that I bought as a kit (see above) from Martha Stewart's collection at Michael's . I have always wanted these, and I figured they would be a great decoration for my guests to keep for years to come. On this occasion though, because I decided rather late in the game to have the party. Thus, I simply called my guests with the invite, and gave them the fingers as a souvenir of sorts...

Of course, any good party has to have food, so I decided to make my brother's famous Mulligatawny soup, which is the most delicious soup I have ever eaten. I also made Taco soup, which is Tina's recipe that I nabbed from her wonderful blog. It made a ton of soup, thus I have some leftovers frozen in my freezer for some busy week-night. I unabashedly accepted offers of food contributions from my guests; so one brought a delicious cajun dip for nachos and pretzels... along with drinks for the kids. Another guest brought rolls and an amazing gooey, buttery pumpkin cake with whipped cream (which we inhaled like vultures), and another friend brought a party-sized pizza for the kids. I simply (well, not that simply) prepared my soups the same day, and also managed to make the kids each their own white-chocolate ghosts on a stick (with some help from my two youngest) that I make each year from a Martha Stewart recipe....soooo easy and yummy!!! Add to that some roasted pumpkin seeds I made, and we all were left with full stomachs, ready to begin the "arduous" task of carving some fancy pumpkins.

The kids threw themselves into the task, as did a couple of the parents...while the rest of us ended up talking too much to even get started carving. My friend Krissy, was a little tired from her busy week, and decided to sit the carving out ...she was looking really tired!!!

Of course, I dragged out all my remaining Halloween decorations and even decorated the back deck in case the older kids wanted to hang out there...unpestered by the little ones. I decided we needed some Halloween lighting on the deck, so I removed the umbrella from the center of the table, and sunk a discarded birch tree into the hole and the kids and I decorated it. It was quite a feat to make it fit...Krissy helped me saw off the excess branches the night before, and while trying to break them off, she actually fell backwards onto her behind!! Of course, I could barely help her up for laughing, but luckily she is a good sport who recognizes the importance of sacrificing for great decor!!!! I am actually quite proud of this idea...I thought of doing it this summer, but never got around to it till now...

Here is the annual picture I take of the results of our carving efforts. I love looking back at the pictures from year to year to see how the kids have grown. They were quite proud to stand behind their works of art, and even happier when Krissy pulled out some sparklers to cap off the night!!! A good time was had by all, and even my friend Janet's baby tried to stay awake as long as he could...carving his own pumpkin earler in the evening tuckered him out!!!

All in all, it was a great evening, and we can all scratch carving pumpkins off our to-do list for the week!! Happy Halloween!!!!!

And the winner is...

Well, I am happy to say that I received such great and kind feedback for my first ever give-away. I so appreciate all the wonderful visits, comments and suggestions and I feel more inspired than ever! I tried to find one of those random number generators, but when I googled the term, the links all proved too complicated for me to figure out! So, like the backwards creature I am, I wrote everyone's names down (family members nepotism allowed!) and tore them all into strips (are you getting irritated by the suspense yet?) and picked one from the pile! Without further adieu, the winner is.....................................................................................................................................................................
.............................................Kathleen Grace (Kathy) from Kathy's cottage!!!! Congratulations and I will email you Kathy, and get your address for the good folks at Canadian Home and Country. You will get your first issue in the new year!!

My New Blog!

My name is Carolina Saunders, and I am a decorator from Houston, TX. I am also a wife and mother of a 2 1/2 year old.

From day to day, I am inspired to collect images and thoughts that inspire me. I hope to use this blog as a fun way to do so.

Hopefully along the way I can inspire others to look at life in a more creative and artistic manner.

I love interior design, photography, art, architecture, and books. Whatever I am inspired by normally fall under the opposite ends of the the same time. I love sleek contemporary and dilapidated chic, spare minimalism and colorful bohemian exuberance.

Well, here goes nothin'....

For most recent post click HERE

Thoughts of Christmas...

photo: Room Service Home

Well, I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself, considering it's not even Hallowe'en yet, but Christmas is on my mind. And I know I'm not alone...considering all the comments on my post yeterday, and the lovely Christmas posts I've been reading lately. I readily admit it...I love Christmas, and do not wait until December 1st to start thinking about and planning for it. Thoughts of Christmas actually start popping into my head on a regular basis as soon as the kids go back to school. Their absence during the day allows me to sneak some early shopping packages into the house (kind of like I sneak them into the house the rest of the year so as not to "excite" hubby...) and as I clean and declutter the remnants of summer away, I can't help but think about Christmas and the excitement (and yes, work) it brings.

Julie from Nunnie's Attic wrote a post yesterday about having a smorgasbord of Christmas decorations that she can't seem to part with despite her desire to have a cohesive decorating plan and homespun country Christmas. She jokingly(?) asked for my advice as to how to deal with this problem and in the spirit of Christmas, and because she's so nice, I vow to help her!!! Marianna over at Cardinal Acre (she has a lovely blog, by the way...she writes stories, instead of just words...) wrote a wonderful post about the desire to create a perfect Christmas, but struggling a little with the energy, time or confidence to pull it all off. Again, we are bombarded with images of perfect Christmases in magazines, on television, on Christmas cards, and more! We, as women, are pretty much expected to execute the whole perfect deal on our own, and still remain smiling. We want to entertain enough, shop enough, bake enough, visit enough, volunteer enough, worship as to create warm and happy holiday memories that our children will remember, our family and friends will crow about, and that even we can enjoy despite our exhaustion. Throw our regular work into the mix (at home or outside the home), and no wonder some people "stiffen" when they start thinking of the holiday season!

So, I have taken on the challenge for us all. I will begin writing weekly posts about planning and executing not the perfect Christmas, but one that is realistic, organized, festive, and enjoyable. I will provide a bit of a blueprint, so to speak. It may not work for all, and I am not calling myself a Christmas expert by any means; but I love Christmas and all the traditions and joy it brings...and I think I pull off a fairly enjoyable one for my family and me each year. I will offer up my best advice with regards to what has worked for me in the past, and give you some fun holiday entertaining ideas that are low-key, lower-pressure and family friendly. And what would my
blog be without TONS of holiday decorating ideas? I have quite a few fun ideas up my sleeve, and even a few weekly blog surprises that will begin in December. So, come back if you love Christmas as much as I do, and/or just want some help organizing and decorating. It'll be fun...I promise...!!!

Check those curtain rods!!!

A friend sent me this funny story, and being a generous person, I felt inclined to share it with you!


She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases.

On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things.

On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room table by candle-light, put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of spring-water.
When she had finished, she went into each and every room and deposited a few half-eaten shrimp shells dipped in caviar into the hollow of the curtain rods.

She then cleaned up the kitchen and left. When the husband returned with His new girlfriend, all was bliss for the first few days.

Then slowly, the house began to smell.

They tried everything; cleaning, mopping and airing the place out.

Vents were checked for dead rodents and carpets were steam cleaned.

Air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in to set off gas canisters, during which they had to move out for a few days and in the end they even paid to replace the expensive wool carpeting. Nothing worked.

People stopped coming over to visit. Repairmen refused to work in the house.
The maid quit.

Finally, they could not take the stench any longer and decided to move. A month later, even though they had cut their price in half, they could not find a buyer for their stinky house. Word got out and eventually even the local realtors refused to return their calls.

Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the bank to purchase a new place. The ex-wife called the man and asked how things were going.

He told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely and said that she missed her old home terribly and would be willing to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for getting the house back.

Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell was, he agreed on a price that was about 1/10th of what the house had been worth, but only if she were to sign the papers that very day.

She agreed and within the hour his lawyers delivered the paperwork.

A week later the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched the moving company pack everything to take to their new home.........

And to spite the ex-wife, they even took the curtain rods !!!

Hope that gives you a good laugh!

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