Something to crow about...

It is fair to say that I have a bit of an obsession with crows. Not necessarily the real kind, but the perfect faux variety lurking in shops at this wonderful time of year. I remember about five years ago, when I was on a desperate search for crows...after having seen them in Country Living (or Home...I buy both...), I had everyone on the hunt for me. My mum and sister scoured shops in my girlhood hometown, friends travelling to the U.S. were giving the assignment, and me...well of course I checked out every spot locally, to no avail. I was first able to get my hands on one a few years back in Walmart, and I was a very happy girl.

My collection has now grown to the point that I need no more. I have the perfect flock to adorn my house and add sinister charm, as only a crow can. Growing up, my mother always warned me that crows "pick the eyes out of little lambs" and therefore had no use for them at all. However, even she seems to now appreciate their presence as a Halloween decorating theme.

So, without further adieu, here is a peek at my proud crow collection...taking up temporary shelter in and around my home.
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