You guessed it...my favourite syle icon, Matthew Mead, has finally got the Fall edition of his website launched, and I am a happy girl!! Despite having a throbbing jaw from my oral surgery yesterday, I just had to let you all in on the good news (how's that for loyal??!!). Actually, I
couldn't resist writing this post, because when I went to check my emails today, guess who had sent me one...asking me if I would write a post about
his website?? YES!!
Matthew Mead, himself!! You know
what a sucker I am for that man, so how could I possibly refuse??
Well, it is just as wonderful and inspiring as I could possibly have hoped for. I have been like a little girl checking the mail for a birthday present...just hoping that each day when I checked his site, that the Fall edition would be there. Update your links, girls, because your link may not automatically switch to Fall. Here is a sneak peek of
his site, but you really have to get over there yourselves to truly appreciate its full glory...

Just look at this great table favour, or trick or treat box to hand out to all the little critters in your neighbourhood. The kids may not notice, but the mums sure will!! The template for them is available as a download on Matthew's site. In fact, there are quite a few printable templates for his readers' benefit! How very thoughtful of him...
There are also some wonderful recipes on the site that look absolutely decadent...like Chocolate silk pie (can you imagine?) and a no-bake pumpkin chiffon pie (even I could pull that one off!!). Check out this delicious soup in an edible bread bowl...aaah, comfort food at its best!

top photo: no-bake pumpkin chiffon pie
I"m definitely doing this:

How beautiful would these place cards look on my table? And, if I can keep the kids from getting gravy on them, I could even use them from year to year. In fact, they'd be lovely any time of year...and again, they are free! From Matthew Mead to us!! I can just see me now, we'll be going around the table, asking what each other is grateful for this Thanksgiving, and I'll squeak out,
"I'm grateful for these beautiful place settings..." You know I'm deeper than that, but they will be one of the things I'm grateful for...

So head on over and pay Matthew a visit. He is a most gracious host...you'll be thankful you did!! ***Oh, and I sure wish I had this multi-colored Bake-Lite cutlery set. I have the yellow, but aren't the other colours gorgeous?? I can just see them now with my brown Transferware...