I love my fireplace mantle. It was designed and built by my talented hubby and I think his motto for it was go big or stay home!! It is somewhat oversized due to the location of the gas fireplace, and I sometimes joke and call it "the bar". Nonetheless, it is well suited to our living room and I am its happy, proud owner! I enjoy decorating it for the changing seasons, and since Thanksgiving (in Canada) is passed, I am bringing on the Hallowe'en!!
This year, my mantle is being transformed into a spooky village of sorts... and I placed my new, glittered house silhouette in the background. I backlit it with an electric candle and it casts eerie shadows in the dark. The kids love it!! I love both the spooky and the cheery sides of Hallowe'en, and draw absolutely no meaning from either. I believe Hallowe'en is a fun children's holiday, and should be kept as such. To dwell on it any deeper, to me, is pointless. It is what it is, and it brings out the child in all of us. I love taking my youngest out trick-or-treating and having a homeowner answer the door in costume! I always think they must be really fun parents. Me, I dress up probably every second year and have gone out (or answered the door) as a witch, princess, and even an old lady with a baby on her back (that was a rather odd one, and no, it wasn't the real me post-partum!!).
Here are some other shots from around my house:
I decided to set up my "laboratory" replete with bottled maggots and cockroaches, eyeballs, etc. and many other things best disguised as creepy. I still have a bit more to add to it, but I thought I would snap a few pics of the progress I have made in my Halloween decorating venture.