Seasonal Home was the name I always had in the back of my head if I was ever to have my own home decor shop. I love seasonal decorating and the notion that a home does not have to be stagnant...unchanged unless it is due to be repainted or renovated. Indeed, seasonal decorating is the essence of my design ethic: tweak your home with the changing seasons to breathe new life into its decor. It can be as simple as bringing out the Fall/Summer/Christmas accessories to enjoy for a while, or changing out the curtains, throw pillows, mantel decor, even artwork.
photo: (above and below): matthew mead style
Matthew Mead Style
A symbol of fall in my home is the annual purchase of my favourite Yankee Candle: Home Sweet Home. It's delicious cinnamon smell is not too sweet, and fills the air with a warm, inviting scent that always signals the harvest season. Since I am not an avid baker, this candle fills in for the more tantalizing smell of pie or cookies baking. I consider the lighting of this candle as the beginning of the "cozying up" of my (above and below): matthew mead style
Seasonal flourishes add to this cozy feel. Just as we all get our fireplaces ready for their first lighting, I begin the "putting on of the sweaters" process of settling in for the colder weather. That's just what it is: putting a cozy sweater on our home by way of plump pillows, soft throws and thick blankets strewn across the sofa arms ready for someone to cuddle under and warm themselves. Add to that a basket filled with good books and magazines for young and old alike, and you have a perfect fall setting.
This morning I had my first true signal that it is time to begin this process. I went in to wake my daughter for school, and I asked how she slept. "Not good," she answered, "I was cold in my bed." Well, after reassuring her that if she is ever cold like that again, she should come in and snuggle with us, I realized it is TIME. Time to add on the layers of warmth with flannel sheets, soft blankets, place the slippers under the beds, and trade the summery nightgowns for fleecy pajamas. Just the thought of it made me feel warmer...
Now is the time to bring out the fall tablecloths, or even quilts, for the table; stock the cupboards with hot chocolate, and bring in plenty of candles as supper hour gets darker and darker (of course you can just turn on the lights, but a candle is so much nicer!). Even our meal planning changes. I find myself spending more time selecting the perfect roasts and stewing meats, buying more root vegetables, and looking forward to my mother-in-law's delicious canned preserves. My husband makes the most delicious biscuits and apple crisp; and I, of course, begin making Yorkshire puddings with our roast beef dinners again. Yum...
photo: Matthew Mead Style
The best side effect of Fall is the increased time spent together as a family. Although extra-curricular activities start back up, we still all seem to settle in together by the warmth of the fireplace, watching "America's Funniest Videos" or our favourite t.v. shows. We get back to reading to Sophie more and newspapers actually get read cover to cover. No more lawns to be mowed or flowers to be watered. Even our cats are more content to hang out at our feet.
So get out your "sweaters" for your home. Do some baking (I'll try to follow my own advice!!) and cuddle up under a warm blanket. Enjoy the freshness of the outdoors during the day, and settle into the warmth of your home at night. Fall really is the best of both worlds...!