Turning wine into water...

I know it sounds like I have it backwards, but this was the theme of a wine tasting event I attended on Friday night. It was put on by the rotary club and NSLC and proceeds went towards a project that will result in a well being established and maintained in a third world country. So, upon the recommendations of friends who had gone in years past, my husband and I decided we'd go too. I am not a wine lover by any stretch, and the only kind I like is the kind that bubbles, and is a bit sweeter. I am sometimes teased about that fact, so I thought it would be a good time to try some
different wines that actually don't taste like perfume to me...Maybe end up liking a wine that is more "grown-up" than my usual brand. Wine lovers can be sooo haughty!!

The two M"s...Marilyn and Meredith

Janet pretending to be a wine snob...

Well, I ended up having a great time! It really wasn't as swank an affair as I had preconcieved it to be, and it ended up being a nice way to see lots of people I know, get a bit dressed up, and have a good laugh trying all the different wines and spirits (most of which I ended up pouring back out into the proper receptacle). While there were a few who seemed to be going on a different theme altogether (i.e. Drinking wine like it is water...), everyone was just having a great time socializing, eating yummy appetizers, and it reminded me that hubby and I should get together with friends more and socialize with adults in adult settings. I have some truly wonderful friends, and they always make everything more fun. Although I will probably still never get up the nerve to have a real house party, it did get me in the mood to host more get-togethers with some of the great people I know, and those I'd like to get to know better. I still don't like wine all that much, but I had fun; and hey, it was all for a good cause!!!

Krissy and me...
Me and the man...
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