Robin's Egg Blue...

Robin's Egg favourite colour, in all its intensities. I love the image it represents: pale, perfect blue eggs cradled in a nest made with love by mother Robin. It is the perfect metaphor for me. I, too, have built my nest with care, in a swath of watery blues, taupes, and greens...all combined to imbue a feeling of comfort. I love the element of nature this colour lends to an environment. It makes it difficult to feel very removed from the outdoors.

I love the speckled eggs, which add the tiniest bit of imperfection to the fragile hiding places of the soon-to-be baby birds. In fact, the sweet saying, "A little birdie told me..." immediately brings to mind a robin whispering in one's ear. The simple fact that such a delicately coloured egg comes from a brown and red bird puzzles me. The disconnect between the two affirms the notion that mother and child need not look alike to belong together. It is the perfect blending of all that is akin to nature, and it doesn't have to make sense. Nature just is, and it is the best source of inspiration when creating our own nests. Whether we draw inspiration from the ocean, the ground, the forests, or the flowers shooting forth from the grass... it is a great starting point for choosing colours and textures. But for me, it is as simple as a perfect little robin's egg...could a house be any more perfect than that??

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