
A couple of weeks ago, my kids and I arrived home to see a rather enticing Halloween-themed bag hanging on our front door. Inside was a paper ghost marked BOO!!, some treats, and a clever little poem telling us why we received the bag, and how to spread the fun that it brought. My kids have no idea who brought it to them, and were very excited indeed! A few squabbles over who got what candy, and then they set out to return the favour to friends of their choice. The idea is to fill a bag with treats of some kind, photocopy the poem (which gives the instructions), make two BOO ghosts (one for each bag), and then secretly deliver the bags to people who have not already been BOO'ed. How do you know they haven't already been BOO'ed? Well, those that get BOO'ed must hang the paper ghost marked BOO on their front door, so that others will not re-BOO them. The kids had a great time doing it, and I sooo would have loved to have BOO'ed my sister's house, as she is so not into that sort of thing!! I would have gotten a good chuckle out of it, as she would have had to do niece would have insisted!!

If you want more detailed instructions, pop on over to Heather's'll be glad you did...she does a much better job explaining it than I do. But hurry, as you really only have one or two more days to do so!!!

Here is a similar poem you can use, and also a picture of the bag we put together to BOO our friends...

Since this is the time for goblins and bats
Halloween spirits and ghosts and cats
Happenings are weird and witches make brew
The following are the things I wish for you.
May the only spirit you chance to meet
Be thee spirit of love and friends that are sweet.
May the only goblin that comes your way
Be the neighborhood phantom, the breeze takes away.
So by tomorrow, pick a friend down the street
And give to them a Halloween treat.
Fill this cone with goodies galore,
Then hang it on their front door.
You only have one day to do this, so hurry
Leave treats on their door and run in a flurry
As this cone moves along from friend to friend,
All good wishes go on and never end
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