Making your guests feel at home...

House guests... we all have had them, enjoyed them, and no matter how pleasurable their stay, have breathed a wee sigh of relief when they have driven down the driveway!! It is perfectly natural and acceptable, because if we didn't ever want them to go, we'd have to build an addition and move them in!! The one thing we don't want to see is our guests squealing out of the driveway to escape their home away from home! We have all been guests as well, and we want them to feel as comfortable as we would like to feel when the roles are reversed. Does this mean we all have to have a guest room as beautiful and inviting as the ones pictured above in order to open our home to friends and family? Well no, but we do have to remember the details...
Ideally, it is nice to have a quiet room set aside for our guests with a comfy bed, nearby bathroom and a place for their belongings. If you are fortunate enough to have such a space then you are ahead of the game. For those of us who don't, here are the options: 1. relocate one of your children and have them bunk up with a sibling. They will likely enjoy the adventure of it all and hopefully feel flattered that "granny" thinks their bed is the most comfortable. 2. Place a futon in an office space for use by guests and for a relaxing place to review notes/work when not in use as a guest bed. 3. Relocate yourself and offer up your master bedroom to older guests (like grandparents) or couples with small children. Usually the master bedroom has the largest bed and sometimes access to an ensuite bath. This offer is often met with resistance especially by the older generation, but I throw out the question to them,"would you put your own parents on a futon in the basement?" Besides it is usually just for a few nights and everyone will "survive."4. For visiting children, purchase a roll-a-way cot or B.Y.O.B and put them in with your own kids for a fun, if not noisy stay.
To make any guest room more inviting to your guests, include the following: 1. Provide new/fresh pillows, pretty bedding, towels and offer spare robes to your guests so they may feel comfortable joining you at breakfast before dressing. 2. Create a reading area in the room. Place a comfy chair, reading light, favorite magazines, books, etc. so your guest can "escape" and have peaceful time away from the crowd. This can benefit everyone! 3. Put a water carafe and glass, clock radio, telephone and t.v. (if possible) in the room for easy convenience. 4. Local maps, a blank journal and pen are added luxuries and help your guests be "tourists" to your area. 5. Remember many people like a nightime snack. Provide a bar of good chocolate, bagged treats and some fresh fruit so your guest can nibble without feeling guilty about asking for a late-night bite (not that many guests would dare, anyway). 6. Empty out some space for your guests' clothes. Place a few empty hangers in the closet, empty a drawer or two, and hooks for their robes or towels are especially convenient. 7. To really pamper your houseguest, place fresh flowers in their room. It can be as simple as flowers picked from your garden. Including a nice bottle of hand lotion will be appreciated too.
Most importantly, enjoy your guests; plan simple meals, a few special outings, and don't overdo it. If you are relaxed, your guests will feel that way too. You'll feel like a wonderful host, and your visit together will be memorable.
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