Homespun Christmas...Holiday decorating scheme: #1

There are few more cozy images than a crackling fireplace flanked by two checked wing back chairs; a soft wooled throw strewn over the arm of the chairs, a basket filled with logs, and a real Christmas tree adorned with fabric wrapped balls, tin stars, and garlands of cranberries and popcorn. That is the image that springs to mind when I picture a homespun Christmas. Heck, I'll even throw in a few clove-studded oranges nestled in a wooden bowl if you like (even though I won't be studding them myself). Indeed, a home decorated for the holidays in this primitive style evokes images of Christmas in Plum Creek a la Laura Ingalls. Who could forget little Laura being so thrilled to receive her very own tin cup and a peppermint stick that she happily munched away on, while the ever serene Mary daintily licked hers into a fine point...
photo: Country Home magazine

Julie has said she would like her holiday decorating style to reflect a more homespun feel, and I am happy to offer her some ideas for achieving this look and have hunted down some lovely images for her to be inspired by. I hope some of you will enjoy enjoy the more natural and simplistic approach I've offered up.
photo: Country

Homespun is often equated with handmade. There are no posh airs associated with this decorating style, and the look can often be achieved by incorporating offerings from nature such as real evergreen boughs; winterberries, bittersweet and rosehips; pinecones and twigs; tartan or plaid wool blankets; cinnamon sticks, dried apples, and oranges; brown paper-wrapped packages; and simple pine wreaths graced with a fabric bow or rusted garland of tin stars. The look is comforting, unsophisticated and easily achieved. It is reflective of simpler times...when homeowners made-do with what they already had, and focused more on the less commercial aspects of the holiday. Homespun holiday decor gives the impression that Christmas is to be savoured, just like the hot cocoa puffing off its steam while awaiting its lucky recipient. I think of ginger spiced cookies, shortbread and bags of nuts waiting to be cracked, handmade ornaments, candles in each window...and nothing to do but eat, talk, and be merry. So what if it all sounds like a fantasy?? Isn't that what the magic of the holidays is for? After all, homspun is also equated with old-fashioned...and there's nothing wrong with some old-fashioned charm every now and again. So slow down and consider this holiday decorating style if it appeals to you. You just might save yourself some money...and the walk in the woods will do you good!!
both pictures (below): Country Sampler

both photos (above): Country Home magazine

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