The Principles of Uncertainty/ Maira Kalman

On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble, I discovered this wonderful book by Maira Kalman. The beautiful cover, and unusual title immediately caught my eye. I am not going to say that I knew much about Kalman before I read this book, but I am a genuine fan now.Kalman is an author, designer, and illustrator. She has illustrated many covers for The New Yorker and has contributed to many other books, including several for children. She has built a reputation for viewing life in a very quirky, and sometimes absurd way. The Principles of Uncertainty was originally a narrative journal composed for The New York Times.
I must admit that as I began leafing through this book, I felt a strange connection to it. It was the kind of feeling you get when you meet someone that is so much like you, that you think they taking your thoughts and saying them for you. I love the abstract thoughts and unusual connection of themes in this book. Some thoughts are hilarious and some are very poignant, but in a very unusual way. I am sure that not everyone will understand Kalman's logic, but it is still worth reading. First of all, the illustrations are magical and charming, they are pieces of art that can be interpreted according to every readers point of view. Its also great for those time when you need a chuckle.
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