Join me in La La Land...

I sometimes like to visit a place I call La La Land. It is basically just the click of a mouse away; and technically, you could buy any of the items with just a few more clicks, but you'd have to be prepared to have a lot of money to fork over. La la land is basically online shopping. I can honestly say, I have done very little of it. I think it is because my husband is deathly afraid of it (thinking someone is ready to pounce on all our personal banking info and spend all our money!!) and it involves buying the items on credit, which I am not a big fan of. However, I often "fill my cart up" at some of these online shops and have a great time "spending" lots of money. The end result usually means I empty the cart and sign off empty-handed. Kind of like when I fill my cart up at Homesense and then empty most of it on the way to the checkouts (part of my reality check!!).

I decided I'd go on a little fantasy shopping trip and take you along for the ride...if you want to come!! I'm pretending I'm driving in this vintage beauty (after I've stopped for what looks like quite the picnic...) and the first stop is Cottage Chic, where I buy this beautiful chair: and slip covered head board. Heck, while I'm at it, I might as well get the bedding thrown in too!! Since practicality is not needed in this fantasy, I think I will get these gorgeous copper gutters from Classic Colonial Homes. They would look fantastic on my house. I'm sure the shipping would be minimal...

To satisfy my love of nests and birds, I think I'll pick up a couple of sets of these lovely dishes from Ballard designs, the bird stamp from Posh Chicago, and the pillow (well, I can't recall where I found that beauty).
To end my shopping experience on a wonderful note, I think I will get myself that lovely chaise from Pompom Interiors. I even love the name of that store. They have some fantastic things to feast your eyes upon!!
I hope you've enjoyed my silly little fantasy shopping trip. I'm hoping I'm not the only one who has ever done this...If you haven't, you should give it a go! Do it on a rainy day when you're bored or on that gloomy day before payday when shopping is just not in the cards! Sure it's frivolous, but so is pretty much all shopping that is not grocery related. And, it's so much fun...!!!

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